Law Society Council Elections 2018
The Law Society of England and Wales has given Preliminary Notice that elections of members of the Council will shortly be taking place. The Council seats for a number of geographical constituencies, and for one 'specialist' (non-greographic) seat, will fall vacant upon the expiry of the terms of office of the current Council member at the Annual General Meeting on 5 July 2018.
The northern UK constituencies that will have vacancies are Northumbria and Yorkshire. The non-geographic constituency vacancy is for the 'specialist area seat' for Civil Litigation. A full list of all Law Society Council vacancies can be viewed here.
The last date for nominations is 12 noon on Tuesday 24 April 2018, and the last date for statements and photos (where a seat is contested) is 4pm on Thursday 26 April 2018. Ballot forms will be posted to members on Thursday 24 May, with the vote closing at 4pm on Thursday 21 June 2018. The terms of office for the successful candidates will begin on Thursday 5 July 2018.
Nomination forms, information for candidates, and other documentation can be found here.