Law Society Brexit Update
Over the last few months the Law Society has been responding and submitting evidence to various government committees and reports that examine the numerous angles of Brexit.
- The EU Select Committee of the House of Lords published a report Brexit: justice for families, individuals and businesses? in which the Law Society's evidence and calls are quoted extensively
- The Justice Select Committee report on the Implications of Brexit on the justice system makes recommendations on a number of the Law Society's priorities for Brexit including civil justice co-operation incorporating family law, continued mutual market access for lawyers and law firms, collaboration on criminal justice and the need for transitional arrangements. The Law Society's press release can be viewed here.
- The Lords EU Internal Market Sub Committee report on Brexit: trade in non-financial services makes recommendations for the government to ensure that any UK-EU free trade agreement includes provisions on mutual recognition of professional qualifications and regulatory structures, particularly for lawyers. The Law Society's press release can be viewed here.